Motorsports Display – Vancouver International Auto Show 2025!

The calm before the storm! Three examples of the variety of cars raced on the Mission Raceway Park Motorsports Circuit wait for the show spectators to arrive. From left to right are a Legends, Formula Continental and Datsun Vintage racing cars. Thanks to Brent Martin for the photos.
Posted: March 20, 2025
The 2025 edition (‘Elevate’) of the Vancouver International Auto Show is now ‘live’ at the Vancouver Convention Centre West . It opened on Wednesday March 19th and runs through to Sunday, the 23rd. Full details of the show are available on the Elevate website (here).
When you come down the escalator to enter the Show, the first thing you will see is the BC Motorsports display. The VRCBC is there along with our road racing partners, the Sports Car Club of BC (SCCBC), plus Women in Motorsport (WIM), the Motorsports Emergency and Turnworkers Association (META), the Westwood Motorcycle Racing Club (WMRC), the Squamish Brackendale Rally Cross Club (SBRCC), the West Coast Kart Club (WCKC), and B.C. Legends. And for the very young (and smaller size!) motorsports enthusiasts, there is even a Soap Box Derby car from the Mission and District Soapbox Derby Association that you can try on for size!
And right next door to us in the Mission Raceway Park display is an extremely fast drag racing car from the B C Custom Car Association (BCCCA). They also have a demonstration ‘Christmas Tree’; see how your startline reaction time compares to the experts’.
Make sure to drop by and say hello before you head into the main part of the Show with all of its fantastic new and old vehicles! See you there!