21 Mar And Now for Something Completely Different!

Havana by Thunderbird – Linda Zumm photo
Posted: March 21, 2014
Long time META volunteers and VRCBC members, Linda and Manny Zumm have offered us a diversion while we await the completion of the Mission Raceway track re-surfacing so that the 2014 racing season can get under way. They visited Cuba earlier this year and snapped some photos of the old cars that the country is so well-known for. (Apologies for the fuzziness of some of them; they were taken from a moving bus.)
By the way, the current rumour is that Linda and Manny are trying to decide which car to bring back for Vintage racing at Mission. Apparently the front runner is that hot-looking lilac(?) 1959 Chevie in the photo below, but we will have to wait and see what they show up with.
- Havana by Thunderbird – Linda Zumm photo
- Name those cars! – Linda Zumm photo
- Early Fifties Chev and mid-Fifties Dodge (or Plymouth?) – Linda Zumm photo
- Early Fifties Chevrolet with Jeeps – Linda Zumm photo
- Convertibles rule!: 1954(?) Chev in front of a Forties era Ford, with Dodge (and/or Plymouth) across the street – Linda Zumm photo
- Classic early Fifties rag tops – Linda Zumm photo
- Manny’s Dream! 1959 Chevie with F1-inspired rear ‘aerofoils’ – Linda Zumm photo
- 1957 Chevrolet in foreground – Linda Zumm photo
- Havana Taxis – Linda Zumm photo
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