Author: vrcbcadmin

[caption id="attachment_9710" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Team Cheatah makes another lightning-quick pit stop en route to sixth place. - Jock Hobson photo Team Cheatah makes a super-quick pit stop en route to sixth place. - Jock Hobson photo[/caption] Updated: April 19, 2014

The VRCBC racing season opened the evening of Tuesday, April 15th with the VRCBC - IWE Piston Cup Kart Race at our favourite venue, TBC Indoor Racing in Richmond. This time, the members of each team were selected by a random draw held just before the start. As a result, some former team mates became 'arch-enemies' and former enemies found themselves on the same team. Interesting!

The Final Results are available here.

Our sponsor, IWE-Rear Ends Only, donated some fabulous trophies and Western Driver (our annual host at the All British Field Meet) provided some other goodies. Thanks!

And thanks to Jock Hobson for the photos below.

[caption id="attachment_9558" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Vintage Drift for February 2014 - cover image courtesy of Martin Rudow and SOVREN; photo by Marshall Autry[/caption] Posted: February 18, 2014 The latest issue of Vintage Drift, SOVREN's excellent quarterly magazine has just been released. Included in the articles - with many...