Non-VRCBC News & Events

[caption id="attachment_9558" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Vintage Drift for February 2014 - cover image courtesy of Martin Rudow and SOVREN; photo by Marshall Autry[/caption] Posted: February 18, 2014 The latest issue of Vintage Drift, SOVREN's excellent quarterly magazine has just been released. Included in the articles - with many...

[caption id="attachment_8755" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Ken Butler clips the apex in his 1970 Perf-Fab Formula Vee - Brent Martin photo Ken Butler clips the apex in his 1970 Perf-Fab Formula Vee - Brent Martin photo[/caption]

SOVREN, our Vintage racing partners from across the border, held their big annual Pacific Northwest Historics event at Seattle International Raceway over the July 5th-7th long weekend. A number of VRCBC members took part and thanks to Brent Martin, Jim Moody and Jock Hobson we have photos of some of them - and others - in action. See below.

Update - July 12, 2013: Jock Hobson's photos added below. Visit the VRCBC Facebook page  (here) to find links to more photos by Marshall Autry and also two in-race videos from inside Paul Kuckein's Z-28, and one from Gunter Pichler's XKE.

Be sure to check out all (over 370) of Brent's photos of the PNW Historics on his web site (here).

[caption id="attachment_8691" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Tom Johnston and his Reynard Formula Atlantic - VRCBC photo Tom Johnston and his Reynard Formula Atlantic racing car - VRCBC photo[/caption] Posted: July 10, 2013 Our good friends from the Greater Vancouver Motorsports Pioneers Society (GVMPS) held a car show at Shipbuilders' Square on the North Vancouver waterfront on Sunday, July 7th. There were lots of great machines on display but - although we might be biased - we think the stars of the show were the two 'Open Wheelers' of the VRCBC's very own; BCHMR Chairman Tom Johnston and Vice President Dennis Repel. [caption id="attachment_8695" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Dennis Repel's 'Open Wheeler' - VRCBC photo Dennis Repel's 'Open Wheeler' - VRCBC photo[/caption] Check out some more photos below.

[caption id="attachment_8582" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Ian Wood's new ride, a 1965 Fournier-M​arcadier Barquette 1.6 litre sports racer - VRCBC photo Ian Wood's new ride, a 1965 Fournier-M​arcadier Barquette sports racer - VRCBC photo[/caption] Updated: April 22, 2013 The VRCBC teamed up with our friends at META (the Motorsport Emergency & Turnworkers Association) for a display at the big BC Classic and Custom Car Show at the TRADEX Exhibition Centre in Abbotsford. The Show was open from Friday April 19th to Sunday April 21st. The booth featured three all-out racing cars: the former Speedvision World Challenge Corvette C5 of Tom Johnston Racing, the beautifully prepared and very fast Vintage Formula Ford Tiga of Alan McColl and a newcomer on the local scene, the 1965 Fournier-M​arcadier Barquette 1.6 litre sports racer of Ian Wood. (These photos were taken late at night before the setup was completed.) Thank you to the many show-goers who dropped by the booth and said hello; we hope to see you again next year. And a very big 'Thank You' from the VRCBC to the many META folks who showed up (in race day uniform) to help us promote road racing at the Mission Raceway Park Road Course. The next big event is of course, our BC Historic Motor Races (here) on the May 25th - 26th weekend.