VRCBC at the BC Classic & Custom Car Show
Updated: April 22, 2013
The VRCBC teamed up with our friends at META (the Motorsport Emergency & Turnworkers Association) for a display at the big BC Classic and Custom Car Show at the TRADEX Exhibition Centre in Abbotsford. The Show was open from Friday April 19th to Sunday April 21st.
The booth featured three all-out racing cars: the former Speedvision World Challenge Corvette C5 of Tom Johnston Racing, the beautifully prepared and very fast Vintage Formula Ford Tiga of Alan McColl and a newcomer on the local scene, the 1965 Fournier-Marcadier Barquette 1.6 litre sports racer of Ian Wood. (These photos were taken late at night before the setup was completed.)
Thank you to the many show-goers who dropped by the booth and said hello; we hope to see you again next year. And a very big ‘Thank You’ from the VRCBC to the many META folks who showed up (in race day uniform) to help us promote road racing at the Mission Raceway Park Road Course. The next big event is of course, our BC Historic Motor Races (here) on the May 25th – 26th weekend.