Ian Wood makes presentation to Myles Winbigler - Karen Smith photo


Myles Winbigler’s herculean effort to have his 1959 Sadler Formula Junior (known to all as “Aunt Marge”) rebuilt in time for the BCHMR was greatly appreciated by both the VRCBC and our special guest, the car’s constructor Bill Sadler, who thus had the opportunity to do some laps in one of his earliest racing cars for the first time in over 50 years.

Unfortunately, Myles was unable to attend the BCHMR due to family commitments. So on behalf of the VRCBC and Bill, at the SOVREN Historics event on the July long weekend, Ian Wood presented Myles with an original Billy Richards drawing of the Formula Junior in action .

In Myles’ words: “Many thanks to Tom Johnston, Ian Wood and to the VRCBC for the lovely drawing of Aunt Marge by Billy Richards, and autographed by Bill Sadler. This is a treasure I will hang in my den as a memory of an event I wish I could have attended. Although not there in person, I was there in spirit and the photos and articles forwarded to me from many sources as well as the personal stories I’ve been told have given me a wonderful sense of the weekend.”

Thank you again Myles.


1980 Westwood Trans Am – Brent Martin photo

Brent Martin has just started a new photo website here . He has begun posting some of his scanned photos from the gone – but not forgotten – Westwood Motorsport Park plus many other west coast race tracks. Shown above is just one example. Check it out!

Ralph Zbarsky hogs the camera (and watches his mirrors!) – Paul Bonner photo

We are getting some great shots from the photographers who attended the BC Historic Motor Races – Racing at the River’s Edge – at Mission Raceway Park Road Course over the June 11-12 weekend.  The Paul Bonner shot above illustrates the action in one of the Group 1 races.

  • UPDATE: More of Paul’s photos are available here.
  • Small samples of  some of Tony Ioannou’s photos are shown below. You can check out his over 500 photos at:
    • for Saturday’s action here
    • for Sunday’s action here
  • Gerry Frechette has literally hundreds of photos on his (new) photo website: here   – Click on the  “All My Photos” link. And if you were there as a worker or just wandering through the Paddock, check his “Pits & People” selection – Gerry probably has one of you!
  • Marshall Autry has some action photos on his site: here – Click on the “Vintage Racing” album.
  • UPDATE: Check out Brent Martin’s photos: here


VRCBC President Stanton Guy with Bill Sadler and the 1959 Sadler Formula Junior - VRCBC photo

The VRCBC was very pleased to have legendary Canadian race car designer, builder and driver, Bill Sadler, as their Guest of Honour at the 2011 BC Historic Motor Races. Bill has had a fascinating career with both race cars and innovative aircraft design and construction. (See the story in the BCHMR program here.)

Bill drove the 1959 Sadler Formula Junior (seen above) for the first time in about 50 years during a lunch time, on-track demonstration with Merrill Faulk in the thundering Burnett Mk 2 Can Am car. (Bill was good enough to let Merrill go by, so he could lead a few laps as well!)  This Sadler Formula Junior (known as “Aunt Marge”) has a long history with VRCBC members. It was owned, initially restored and raced by long-time member Bob Smith. It is now owned by member Myles Winbigler, who has just completed another restoration and continues to race it.

In addition to meeting many of the those attending the event, Bill was an active participant in the traditional Saturday night barbecue entertainment. Thanks for coming Bill; we very much enjoyed having you as our special guest.


Don't forget to torque them, Jack! - VRCBC photo

The folks hanging around Vintage Racing seem to be steadily aging, funnily enough, about one year older every twelve months. (In many cases, the cars seem to be doing much better.) If Vintage racing is to continue growing into the future, younger generations have to be recruited as the oldtimers hang up their wrenches and helmets.

Someone who understands this very well is Alan McColl, well known racer and the first winner of the Pete Lovely Memorial Award at this year’s BC Historic Motor Races. There is no ‘free ride’ with Alan however! Seen above, working hard on grandpa’s TIGA Formula Ford is Alan’s grandson Jack, who has signed on as an apprentice race mechanic. (We understand he works for room and board.) The future of Vintage Racing will be assured if every racer gets their own ‘Jack” started in racing as a member of their pit crew.

Of course, being a race mechanic is not all glory – it can be pretty tiring – but the dreams are great!
