Second Annual Kart Enduro Results

Ian Wood's extra practise in his Rawlson at the BCHMR paid off in the Kart Enduro. - Paul Bonner photo
The VRCBC held its Second Annual Kart Enduro on July 19th at the F440 track in Tsawwassen. The race was run in three heats with the entrants grouped into teams of three. The original team groupings weren’t exactly reflected in the final results due to some computer ‘glitches’ but the individual lap times were accurate. (Note: Since both Race Director Al Harvey and Honorary Chief Steward Jim Latham have approved the results, any protests – regardless how legitimate – will be futile!)
Two veteran racers were the fastest of the evening: with Ian Wood taking the fastest average lap time over a full heat and Keith Robinson setting the fastest single lap. There were many others right on their tails however, so both should be fully prepared to be dethroned at next year’s Enduro. A good time was had by all. The full results are available here.