July 7, 2011

Ian Wood makes presentation to Myles Winbigler - Karen Smith photo
Myles Winbigler’s herculean effort to have his 1959 Sadler Formula Junior (known to all as “Aunt Marge”) rebuilt in time for the BCHMR was greatly appreciated by both the VRCBC and our special guest, the car’s constructor Bill Sadler, who thus had the opportunity to do some laps in one of his earliest racing cars for the first time in over 50 years.
Unfortunately, Myles was unable to attend the BCHMR due to family commitments. So on behalf of the VRCBC and Bill, at the SOVREN Historics event on the July long weekend, Ian Wood presented Myles with an original Billy Richards drawing of the Formula Junior in action .
In Myles’ words: “Many thanks to Tom Johnston, Ian Wood and to the VRCBC for the lovely drawing of Aunt Marge by Billy Richards, and autographed by Bill Sadler. This is a treasure I will hang in my den as a memory of an event I wish I could have attended. Although not there in person, I was there in spirit and the photos and articles forwarded to me from many sources as well as the personal stories I’ve been told have given me a wonderful sense of the weekend.”
Thank you again Myles.