August 10, 2010

The Third Annual The BMW Store Children’s Charities Grand Prix (CCGP) was held this past (August 7th – 8th) weekend at Mission Raceway Park. In just three short years, the CCGP has become one of the leading motorsport events in Western Canada. In addition to providing lots of fun and exciting racing for participants and spectators, it has also raised a lot of money for a very good cause and given some children the thrill of a lifetime. This very popular event raises funds for the Children’s Wish Foundation and the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. The weather could have been a little more cooperative but there was some excellent racing on both days and everyone had a good time. The VRCBC is very supportive of the CCGP. We had our usual Vintage racing on the Sunday. The results for all of the classes are posted on the SCCBC web site . The Vintage results are also posted under the Race Results menu on this website.
The SCCBC’s September Pit Pass includes event reports from Tony Morris Jr. and Chris Doodson, and some excellent photos.