Racing Car Eligibility

Updated: February 27, 2025

One of the most common questions from new members is: “Will my car be eligible for vintage racing?”  VRCBC races are run under the CACC Vintage Discipline Rules and Regulations.  These are usually slightly revised prior to each season.

Within these Competition Regulations, the VRCBC is responsible for defining the ‘Racing Car Eligibility & Approval Process’ each year. These rules are developed by the VRCBC Eligibility Committee and presented for discussion and possible amendment, and then approval at a Club regular general meeting.

The resulting approved rules are then submitted to the CACC Vintage Discipline Director for presentation and acceptance by the Vintage Discipline at the subsequent CACC general meeting.

 The ‘Racing Car Eligibility & Approval Process for 2025’ document can be downloaded here.

If you have any questions about Vintage racing car eligibility or the rules in general,contact the VRCBC President (here).