08 May First Vintage Races of the 2019 Season!
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We again lucked out with the weather for the season’s third race event at the Mission Raceway Park Road Course on the June 23rd-24th weekend. The complete results for the weekend are available on the SCCBC web site (here).
Thanks to Jim Moody and Brent Martin for the great photos of our Vintage action (see below).
The season's fourth event - the July 14th-15th weekend - will be a 'Vintage Double' with Vintage racing on both the Saturday and the Sunday. This will be the perfect warm-up for the our big annual event, the BC Historic Motor Races, a month later during the August 18th-19th weekend.
Get those entries in! See you at the track!
The April 21st-22nd weekend was a very busy one for the VRCBC. Some members were 'working' our display at the BC Classic & Custom Car Show in Abbotsford, while everybody else was 'playing' at the race track!
The 2018 race season at Mission Raceway Park Road Course began under sunny skies with the first Sports Car Club of BC (SCCBC) event, sanctioned by the CACC. As usual, our Vintage REVS series races were held on the Sunday. The Vintage results are available here; the complete results for the weekend are available on the SCCBC web site (here).
And now that spring has finally arrived, it's time to get that grass cut, as VRCBC Vice President Paul Haym so ably demonstrated with his highly efficient Datsun 510 'mower' in Turn 5! [gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="13724,13723"] More of Brent Martin's photos of the Vintage action are shown below. (Thanks Brent.) The rest of Brent's photos of the whole weekend of racing are now posted on his website (here).The SCCBC's third race event of the season was held over the June 10-11 weekend at the Mission Raceway Park Road Course. Our Vintage racers took to the track on Sunday. The weather was perfect and the racing was great.
The full results for the weekend are available on the SCCBC web site (here). The Vintage Closed Wheel and the Open Wheel / Sports Racer results (for Sunday only) are also available under the Race Results menu on this web site (here). Some of Brent Martin's photos are shown below. There are many more on our VRCBC Facebook page (here) and on Brent's own web site (here). Thanks Brent. The next event at the Mission Road Course will be on the July 15-16 weekend. Mark your calendars now!The SCCBC's second race event of the 2017 season was held over the April 29th-30th weekend at the Mission Raceway Park Road Course. As usual, our VRCBC Vintage races were held on the Sunday.
We were very pleased to welcome Steve Gunner from Armstrong to our REVS races. Steve successfully completed his final Novice race on Saturday and entered both Vintage races on Sunday. And one of our veterans, Leigh Anderson, debuted his new car, a 1979 BMW 320i. It had a few teething problems but these will be sorted out in time for the next races in June.
[gallery columns="2" ids="12701,12694"] The full results for the weekend are available on the SCCBC web site (here). Those for VRCBC racers are also posted on the Results page on this web site (here). Check out some more of Brent Martin's photos of the action below.