Vintage Tag

[caption id="attachment_16385" align="aligncenter" width="800"] It was definitely 'Volvo-friendly' weather on Sunday. Ian Wood (1969 Volvo 124S) and Robin Strachan (1968 Volvo 122S) shown negotiating a soggy Turn 5 in their Swedish Steel Specials. - Brent Martin photos[/caption] Posted: May 17, 2022 The second races of the 2022 VRCBC’s Vintage racing season took place on Sunday, May 15th at the Speed-Fanatics Motorsport Circuit. (If you haven’t already heard, that is the brand new name for our long time home, the Road Course at Mission Raceway Park.) This was the second event of the VRCBC’s very own IWE-REVS points series for 2022. The Vintage races were just part of a full weekend of road racing organized by the Sports Car Club of BC (SCCBC) and sanctioned by the Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs (CACC). The weather was not very cooperative (unless you enjoy 'liquid sunshine') but road racing goes ahead 'rain or shine'! Thanks (as always) to Brent Martin for some photos (see below) of the action during the morning practice session. All of Brent’s many photos are available on his website (here). Make sure to check them out and order at least one of yourself (or your favourite ‘hero’ driver if that's not you) in action! The complete results for the weekend, including those for Vintage, are available on the SCCBC web site (here). The next races at the Speed-Fanatics Motorsport Circuit are scheduled for the June 11-12 weekend. See you there!

[caption id="attachment_16077" align="aligncenter" width="800"] And the ground shook! VRCBC racing legend (and current director) Alan Donaldson reliving former glories, leading the thundering pack into the first turn. - Brent Martin photo[/caption] Posted: September 21, 2021 Wire wheels and wood rimmed steering wheels were the style over the CACC September 18th - 19th race weekend at the Road Course at Mission Raceway Park. The SCCBC was honouring its most senior member, Paul Lautard who was celebrating his 99th year! Paul used to race an MG TC many years ago, so some local MG enthusiasts brought out their classics to put on display in the Paddock and to also do some parade laps. The MG TCs. TDs and TFs are generally credited with leading the rapid growth of sports cars in post war North America. They might look pretty antiquated to modern eyes but they were a lot of fun 'back in the day' and they still are! Thanks as always to Brent Martin for the great photos (below).

[caption id="attachment_15990" align="aligncenter" width="768"] Vintage racers in action on Sunday, July 25th. Variety of cars is the spice of Vintage racing life! It was hot and not just the action on the track! - Brent Martin photos[/caption] Posted: July 27, 2021 This past weekend saw the second...