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The scramble begins! Time to grab a seat for a few exploratory laps of the brand new Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit. - VRCBC photo[/caption]
Updated: June 6, 2016
The Club held a meeting on Vancouver Island for the first time on Saturday, May 14th. Club members from the Mainland took ferries and met up with other Club members and their guests from the Island at the brand new Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit in the Cowichan Valley.
Update: Autoweek magazine recently published this story about the Circuit.
Our host Brent Evans gave us a tour of the beautiful facility and briefed us on the Circuit's features and their exciting plans for the future. Everybody had an opportunity for a few 'managed' laps around the challenging track, either as a driver or passenger.
After lunch, those with interesting cars had the chance to do some parade laps. The group then travelled to Club member Steve Clark's home in Victoria, where we met more enthusiasts, held our regular May meeting and were able to view Steve's very impressive collection of vintage motorcycles and cars, including the well-known Vintage racing cars he brings to our races at Mission.
A big thank you to both Brent and Steve, and to the many others who helped organize this very enjoyable day. Perhaps we can make a trip to the Island an annual event.
A lot of well-known motorsport personalities of the past and present attended. See how many you can spot in the following photos.